Οδική Βοήθεια Θεσσαλονίκη

Have you a flat tyre in Thermi Thessaloniki?
Thess-Odiki is here to provide you with prompt and reliable service!
We provide on-site spare replacement services, as well as transportation to the nearest vulcanizer if a repair is needed.

Safety and speed are our priority.
Don’t let a tire problem hold you back.
We are available for all vehicles, from small cars to large trucks.

For any problem you need Roadside Assistance call Thess-Odiki now!

Follow us on Facebook to see our new work!

Tyre Repair Thermi Thessaloniki

Tyre Repair Thermi Thessaloniki


Roadside Assistance

Transport of any type of vehicle

Tyre Repair

Tyre replacement where available or transfer to nearest vulcanizer

Battery Start

Battery charging on site

Special Transports

For locked vehicles or vehicles with locked transmission

Abroad Transports

Vehicle Transport from Albania, North Macedonia and Bulgaria

Roadside Assistance - Categories

Super Cars

Recreational Vehicles


Clark - Machinery


Agricultural Machinery

Οδική Βοήθεια Θεσσαλονίκη - Roadside Assistance

We provide...

Οδική Βοήθεια Θεσσαλονίκη - Roadside Assistance

10+ years of experience

Οδική Βοήθεια Θεσσαλονίκη όλο το 24ωρο

24/7 service

Οδική Βοήθεια Θεσσαλονίκη έμπειρος οδηγός

Experienced Driver

Οδική Βοήθεια Θεσσαλονίκη μεταφορά όλων των οχημάτων

Transport of multiple types of Vehicles